travel, travel journal, travelog, hawaii, oahu, waikiki Jane Kusuma travel, travel journal, travelog, hawaii, oahu, waikiki Jane Kusuma

Oahu, Hawai’i 2022

Before I start this particular blog post after a year+ hiatus, it would be dishonest of me to skip through my emotional landscape during late 2021 and the first half of 2022 up to this point. So let me be as honest as I can be, it has been tough. When I say tough, I am not meaning a few bad days. I meant months of tears, I meant waking up in agony and going to sleep filled with devastation. I meant sitting inside the wide range of my emotions -promising myself that I am making the right decision(s) based on thoughtful considerations and not mere reactions. I have relentlessly asked myself over and over on the values I want to hold onto and ultimately-irrevocably-the kind of person I want to be.

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East & Southeast Asia Trip 2019 (Part 3)

We spent some time walking around Ubud Market where we spotted quite a few amazing and intricate building entrances. We also found amazing art being sold in shops around the area. Juan got to spend some time in this basement shop playing with souvenir items and seeing if they make cool sounds. We actually found a thing that would make sound not so different from the sound of thunder. Juan got so excited it was hard for me to get the lady to lower the price. Oh well, anything for my sound crazed husband. haha.

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East & Southeast Asia Trip 2019 (Part 1)

I’m definitely on my travel journal kick right now. As well all know and experienced, 2020 put a halt on most people’s travel plans. Juan and I have been talking about the time where we get to travel and experience other countries again. But it still feel so far away from now.

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Tokyo Anniversary (2019)

We were trying to decide what we are going to do for our 2 Year Anniversary Celebration. We thought about dressing up really fancy and going to Canlis for dinner, but then Juan found an amazing flight deal to Tokyo for March 2019! Right before the sakura bloom season. We thought about it for a minute - literally a minute - because the next minute we purchased flight tickets! It was so exciting I started planning the same night. Planners gonna plan, y’all. 😂

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