Tokyo Anniversary (2019)

We were trying to decide what we are going to do for our 2 Year Anniversary Celebration. We thought about dressing up really fancy and going to Canlis for dinner, but then Juan found an amazing flight deal to Tokyo for March 2019! Right before the sakura bloom season. We thought about it for a minute - literally a minute - because the next minute we purchased flight tickets! It was so exciting I started planning the same night. Planners gonna plan, y’all. 😂

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travel, personal, honeymoon, tokyo, japan, travel journal Jane Kusuma travel, personal, honeymoon, tokyo, japan, travel journal Jane Kusuma

Honeymoon in Japan, Part 2 (2018)

We started the new year taking a surprisingly short trip from Kyoto to Osaka. We were extremely surprised that it only took about an hour on Shinkansen. We literally had to shovel the content of our bentos into our mouth just so we can get ready to deboard the train. It was still delicious regardless. 🍱

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travel, personal, honeymoon, tokyo, japan, travel journal Jane Kusuma travel, personal, honeymoon, tokyo, japan, travel journal Jane Kusuma

Honeymoon in Japan, Part 1 (2017)

I wanted to share some photos and travel journal I did for our honeymoon for a little while now. Since we both decided to give up most social media - facebook a few years ago and I personally have also given up IG recently- I am running out of ways to share pictures, stories and thoughts with my friends and family. I’ve always wanted to write more and in a blog format where I can go back and reminisce.

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