travel journal, travel, seoul, south korea Jane Kusuma travel journal, travel, seoul, south korea Jane Kusuma

Seoul서울 & Busan부산 2023 (part II)

Part II | Cont. Day 8: GyeongBokGung + Ikseondong Hanok Village We needed some hearty breakfast to start the day. So, we settled on Eggdrop 에그드랍 which happens to be around where we stayed. It is a very instagrammable aesthetic breakfast. It was good but I actually prefer Isaac Toast! They are both really good options for quick, easy and affordable breakfast sets.

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travel journal, travel, seoul, south korea, busan Jane Kusuma travel journal, travel, seoul, south korea, busan Jane Kusuma

Seoul서울 & Busan부산 2023 (part I)

South Korea has been on my mind since late 2020. I’ve been wanting to go back to experience the country as an adult and this time around I will get to experience it with Juanpa. It is always the most fun to experience a new country with him. I am generally pretty good at planning things out while he brings out a lot more spontaneity. I am always focused on getting to our destination and he is good at noticing things we pass by while going to our destination. It makes it a really fun trip and this one is just that.

Ok, 가자!

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New York City 2022

New York City Tattoo and Girlie Trip 2022!

I’ve had the biggest pleasure of forging a friendship with Margaret from late 2021. I knew of Margaret from Juan as she is a mega-talented (and the sweetest) sound designer he met working at Microsoft. I think we started “talking” on twitter for a little while before we met up in real life and hit it off immediately. Our love for food, art and new experiences brought us together and we got to know each other deeper over this year. She has been such a wonderful, supportive and kind friend I made this year and I feel so grateful we got to share this trip! We had sooooo much fun eating and exploring the city and here are some of the highlight of our 5 day trip to New York.

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travel, travel journal, travelog, hawaii, oahu, waikiki Jane Kusuma travel, travel journal, travelog, hawaii, oahu, waikiki Jane Kusuma

Oahu, Hawai’i 2022

Before I start this particular blog post after a year+ hiatus, it would be dishonest of me to skip through my emotional landscape during late 2021 and the first half of 2022 up to this point. So let me be as honest as I can be, it has been tough. When I say tough, I am not meaning a few bad days. I meant months of tears, I meant waking up in agony and going to sleep filled with devastation. I meant sitting inside the wide range of my emotions -promising myself that I am making the right decision(s) based on thoughtful considerations and not mere reactions. I have relentlessly asked myself over and over on the values I want to hold onto and ultimately-irrevocably-the kind of person I want to be.

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San Francisco Road Trip 2021

Y’all, can you believe it is middle of the year 2021? It is a bit crazy to think that we are halfway through the year! I am personally glad we made it through the gloomiest longest winter days of Pacific Northwest and entering sunshine-y days. As I wrote this, time is feeling a bit warpy, did we endure two pandemic winters or only one? Personally I am still feeling wary of the society. I don’t see myself and Juan forgoing masks, especially indoors public places. The bright side is, I am hearing in the past week and today that Washington State (Seattle) is at 49.6% fully vaccinated rate.

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Stevenson, Washington 2021

Hello y’all! It has been a little bit since my last post here. Life has been quietly hectic. As the country is (slowly or way-too-rapidly depending on your stance - mine is the latter) opening up again I’ve been feeling rather unsettled about going back to general society. Sure, We have done small road-trips during the pandemic - mostly hiking trips - but we haven’t done anything as extended as this particular one which is 4 Days in a Lodge!

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East & Southeast Asia Trip 2019 (Part 3)

We spent some time walking around Ubud Market where we spotted quite a few amazing and intricate building entrances. We also found amazing art being sold in shops around the area. Juan got to spend some time in this basement shop playing with souvenir items and seeing if they make cool sounds. We actually found a thing that would make sound not so different from the sound of thunder. Juan got so excited it was hard for me to get the lady to lower the price. Oh well, anything for my sound crazed husband. haha.

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East & Southeast Asia Trip 2019 (Part 1)

I’m definitely on my travel journal kick right now. As well all know and experienced, 2020 put a halt on most people’s travel plans. Juan and I have been talking about the time where we get to travel and experience other countries again. But it still feel so far away from now.

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Tokyo Anniversary (2019)

We were trying to decide what we are going to do for our 2 Year Anniversary Celebration. We thought about dressing up really fancy and going to Canlis for dinner, but then Juan found an amazing flight deal to Tokyo for March 2019! Right before the sakura bloom season. We thought about it for a minute - literally a minute - because the next minute we purchased flight tickets! It was so exciting I started planning the same night. Planners gonna plan, y’all. 😂

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Christmas in Colombia (2018)

It is time to share our Christmas/Holiday Celebration of 2018! We decided, pretty last minute that we would actually head to Colombia for the holidays in 2018. His parents were thrilled that we were coming because Juan has not been home to celebrate Christmas for about 12 years. Juan’s mom decorated the house thoroughly every Christmas so we were very excited to be able to spend our time in their beautiful apartment.

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travel, personal, honeymoon, tokyo, japan, travel journal Jane Kusuma travel, personal, honeymoon, tokyo, japan, travel journal Jane Kusuma

Honeymoon in Japan, Part 2 (2018)

We started the new year taking a surprisingly short trip from Kyoto to Osaka. We were extremely surprised that it only took about an hour on Shinkansen. We literally had to shovel the content of our bentos into our mouth just so we can get ready to deboard the train. It was still delicious regardless. 🍱

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travel, personal, honeymoon, tokyo, japan, travel journal Jane Kusuma travel, personal, honeymoon, tokyo, japan, travel journal Jane Kusuma

Honeymoon in Japan, Part 1 (2017)

I wanted to share some photos and travel journal I did for our honeymoon for a little while now. Since we both decided to give up most social media - facebook a few years ago and I personally have also given up IG recently- I am running out of ways to share pictures, stories and thoughts with my friends and family. I’ve always wanted to write more and in a blog format where I can go back and reminisce.

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