A Day in The Life: Behind The Scenes


If you had read my previous journal post in June (wow, time flies!) I was excited about an upcoming professional video shoot with the majorly talented Alayna Erhart.

A little recap: Alayna and I met for the first time in January 2020 and we immediately hit it off. We were going to do brand and studio related video before the pandemic hits. Of course, things shifts over the year 2020, I guess a worldwide pandemic does that. My mentality and attitude around what is meaningful to me has also radically changed.

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June Recap: Creative Block & Joyworry

Hello. This post is slightly different than my usual but I am also excited to give this a go.

The past few weeks I’ve been struggling with a personal creative block. To be fair, it has been coming for a little while now. In a month or so - August 2021 - I will be marking 2 whole years of officially freelancing slash running my own studio. Looking back on 2020, considering that I had a full working year through a major pandemic, I’m really grateful that I’m here, still doing my own thing.

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