Sejuani Poro Rider Special Edition 2020 Packaging


Poro Rider Sejuani rides her snack-obsessed war poro against any enemies of the enchanted Winterlands. This XL figure comes in as a Limited Edition XL variant, with its own collectible box & exclusive League of Legends Summoner Icon usable in-game.

Poro Rider Sejuani rides in as Limited Edition #3 in the Series 4 figure line.

I had the honor of creating illustration surrounding the Poro Rider Sejuani Limited Edition Packaging. The team wanted a winter wonderland scene with special foil treatments. Below you’ll see the sketches and progression of this packaging design to the finished piece. All product photography was taken by Riot Games Team and they have graciously shared them with me here.

They are available for purchase here.

Special thanks to Riot’s Team: Dermot and Michelle for the art direction and fun projects.


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