Pokémon Golf Tournament 2018

Pokémon Golf Tournament happens each year at the same location where Pokémon World Championships is held. In the year 2018, World Championship was held in Nashville, Tennessee.

I was tasked to create the look & feel that is different yet complementary to the Championship design. The idea is to highlight things that are specific to Tennessee while still remaining true to the Pokémon universe. The solution was to create something that is inspired by the famous Hatch Show Print TN. From the fonts that are being used for this look & feel to the textural quality of the pattern that also resembles bird eye view of a golf course.


Second round of logo “sketches”.


(Below Slides)

Final Chosen Logo for 2018 PGT in Nashville Tennessee & the golf course pattern that will be used as the main design elements for custom made products for golf players.


First Slide:

(From left to right)Full Color logo, 1C printing logo and a horizontal logo to be used only for special cases.

Second Slide:

Bird’s eye view of Golf Course inspired pattern along with modular frame design.

Custom Titleist Golf Balls Packaging


This was a really fun packaging to design. Inside the box there are 4 tall individual rectangular boxes that is arranged to match the box cover. I was also able to create iconic design that will be stamped onto the golf balls inside. One of the icon was pulled from the World Championships 2018 design to collectively ties everything together in a subtle fun way.


A-Z Guide to Self Care


Playful Holiday Card 2020