A-Z Guide to Self Care

In December 2019, an IG friend of mine Julia Kestner started a list of prompts named A-Z Guide to Self Care. #Letteringselfcare.

I participated in all 26 days and here are the whole A-Z Guide to encourage people to care for their mental health and to start abolishing the stigma that comes with Mental Illness.

We are all in this together. I hope you find these encouraging and helpful.


I think as women we are taught ever since we were little girls that our needs are secondary to others, at least that was my experience as a little girl especially growing up in traditional asian household. Funnily enough I think I have always been a pretty headstrong little girl, and I say NO more often than allowed as a child.

But I don't think I am exempt from the people-pleasing mentality. Sure, I say NO, but I feel the urge to explain *WHY*

I am saying NO. I heard this concept NO is

a complete sentence last year and I couldn't get over the fact that


NO is a complete sentence. I am not obligated to explain myself further than NO.


“Vulnerability is not weakness, It is our greatest measure of courage.”

— Brene Brown


Sift & Gather Handpainted Signage


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